Welcome to the Ramadan Toolkit presented by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). As the blessed month of Ramadan approaches, CAIR is dedicated to supporting Muslim employees and students in navigating requests for time off and accommodations during this...
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The 2024 Annual Report of CAIR Oklahoma highlights the organization’s key achievements, advocacy efforts, and community initiatives over the past year. It serves as a reflection of the organization’s ongoing commitment to protecting civil rights, empowering the Muslim...
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The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has released a report detailing the alarming role of universities in targeting students protesting Israel’s actions in Gaza while fostering anti-Palestinian racism and Islamophobia. Rather than ensuring the safety of...
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CAIR received 8,061 complaints nationwide in 2023, marking the highest number of complaints CAIR has ever recorded in its 30-year history. Nearly half of all complaints received in 2023 were reported in the final three months of the year. The 2023 wave of anti-Muslim...
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The 2023 Annual Report summarizes and showcases CAIR Oklahoma’s community-based work over the last year and includes important information related to all our departments. 2023 was the first year in which the CAIR Oklahoma team was able to implement our new vision for...
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Welcome to the Ramadan Toolkit presented by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). As the blessed month of Ramadan approaches, CAIR is dedicated to supporting Muslim employees and students in navigating requests for time off and accommodations during this...
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The Gaza genocide is an urgent humanitarian disaster that requires immediate international attention. After enduring a 16-year economic blockade imposed by the Israeli government, the people of Gaza now face the open threat of ethnic cleansing and genocide. As U.S....
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In the heart of Islam beats a resolute rhythm of peace. This essence is intricately woven into the very letters of the word itself, a testament to its pivotal role within the world’s most swiftly burgeoning and diverse faith. Within the embrace of this religion,...
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Demographers say Islam is the world’s second-largest faith, with more than 1.8 billion adherents worldwide. It is the fastest-growing religion in the United States, with one of the most diverse and dynamic communities, representing a variety of ethnic backgrounds,...
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At its core, advocacy is the act of standing up for what you or others believe in. It is an action. Advocacy is a process of gaining support for a cause or proposal and can cover many areas. There are many aspects and levels to advocacy and this guide seeks to outline...
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